An open meeting on the village’s history, for both residents and Society members, including a presentation, exhibitions and guided walk.Admission is £7.00 per person including light refreshments. Please book your place(s) online using the Eventbrite link below. Payment is by debit or credit card.Click hereto bookThe closing date is Friday 13th September. Places are limited, so early booking is advised . No tickets will be issued but Eventbrite will confirm acceptance by email. (Details will be sent by post only to those members who have not provided a current email address).We encourage you to use the on-line booking system, but if you are unable to do so please send a letter to:RHS Village Visit, c/o Rutland County Museum, Catmose St. Oakham, LE15 6HW enclosing a cheque payable to Rutland History Society.
An open meeting on the village’s history, for both residents and Society members, including a presentation, exhibitions and guided walk.Admission is £7.00 per person including light refreshments. Please book your place(s) online using the Eventbrite link below. Payment is by debit or credit card.Click hereto bookThe closing date is Friday 13th September. Places are limited, so early booking is advised . No tickets will be issued but Eventbrite will confirm acceptance by email. (Details will be sent by post only to those members who have not provided a current email address).We encourage you to use the on-line booking system, but if you are unable to do so please send a letter to:RHS Village Visit, c/o Rutland County Museum, Catmose St. Oakham, LE15 6HW enclosing a cheque payable to Rutland History Society.